


Anomalie #831

Erreur au démarrage de cups : cherche a charger lp

Ajouté par Emmanuel GARETTE il y a plus de 13 ans. Mis à jour il y a plus de 13 ans.

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Le script de démarrage de CUPS cherche a chargé le module noyau lp.

Ce module n'est évidement pas présent dans le conteneur, cela génère un message d'erreur.

Révisions associées

Révision 0bd0ddd7 (diff)
Ajouté par mithrandi il y a environ 18 ans

Merge json-unicode-surrogates-831-2.

Fixes #831
Author: mithrandi
Reviewer: exarkun, glyph

This branch changes nevow.json's string encoding procedure to minimize the
amount of escaping that is done. Per the JSON Working Draft 04:

All Unicode characters may be placed within
the quotation marks except for the characters which must be
escaped: quotation mark, reverse solidus, and the control
characters (U+0000 through U+001F).

JSON is defined as a text format, the encoding in transit being determined by
the protocols / implementations in use. An intentional side-effect of this
change is that unicode codepoints above U+FFFF can now be encoded on Python
builds with 32-bit unicode storage; when decoded in a JavaScript interpreter in
a browser, they will typically be represented by the relevant UTF-16 surrogate

As it turns out, this was already sort-of working on 16-bit unicode Python
builds, by accident: on these builds, the surrogate pair used to represent the
high codepoint is exposed to user code, and thus would have been encoded
directly as a surrogate pair, which when decoded would result in the same
string. As the Python UTF-* codecs behave correctly in the presence of
surrogate pairs in the original string, and Nevow currently always uses UTF-8
as the HTTP encoding anyway, 16-bit unicode builds now encode strings
containing these high codepoints in the same way as their 32-bit unicode

There is one remaining defect; another implementation could elect to encode a
high codepoint as an escaped surrogate pair instead of embedding the character
directly; that is, "\\uD834\\uDD1E" instead of "\U0001D11E". In this case, a
32-bit Python unicode build will receive a unicode string with the surrogate
pair embedded on decoding, which is unexpected. 16-bit unicode builds remain
unaffected, because the surrogates would appear in the string for them under
either circumstance. As MochiKit.Base.serializeJSON does not escape characters
in this fashion at all (it always embeds the codepoint directly), this is not a
problem for Athena.

Another nice effect of this change is that string encoding is simpler, faster,
and results in smaller encoded strings.

Révision a030869b (diff)
Ajouté par Emmanuel Garette il y a plus de 13 ans

ajout d'une question pour charge le module LP de cups (fixes #831)

Révision 3ba8baf9 (diff)
Ajouté par Alexandre Delaunay il y a presque 8 ans

prevent projects list to display same project several time; fix #831


#1 Mis à jour par Emmanuel GARETTE il y a plus de 13 ans

  • Statut changé de Nouveau à Résolu
  • % réalisé changé de 0 à 100

#2 Mis à jour par Joël Cuissinat il y a plus de 13 ans

  • Statut changé de Résolu à Fermé

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