


Tâche #14933

Mis à jour par Joël Cuissinat il y a plus de 8 ans

Pour reproduire avec Horus 2.4.2, j'ai fait :
* @Upgrade-Auto@
* @root@horus:~# dpkg -l | grep bacula@ => 8 paquets en état *rc*
* @apt-get remove --purge bacula-common bacula-common-sqlite3 bacula-console bacula-director-common bacula-director-sqlite3 bacula-fd bacula-sd eole-bacula@
* @reboot@
* @gen_config@
* @instance@
run-parts: executing /usr/share/eole/posttemplate/00-bareos instance

## Régénération du catalogue Bareos##
Warning: failed to get "dbname" from config, using default value "bareos", see /tmp/bareos-config.6659.log
Warning: failed to get "dbuser" from config, using default value "bareos", see /tmp/bareos-config.6659.log
Warning: failed to get "dbdriver" from config, see /tmp/bareos-config.6659.log
Creating mysql database
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Creating of bareos database failed.
Warning: failed to get "dbname" from config, using default value "bareos", see /tmp/bareos-config.6690.log
Warning: failed to get "dbuser" from config, using default value "bareos", see /tmp/bareos-config.6690.log
Warning: failed to get "dbdriver" from config, see /tmp/bareos-config.6690.log
Making mysql tables
Warning: failed to get "dbpassword" from config, see /tmp/bareos-config.6690.log
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
Creation of Bareos MySQL tables failed.
Régénération du catalogue terminée
Suppression des anciens rapports d'état

Dans */etc/bareos/bareosfichiers.d* on retrouve des configurations de la 2.4 :
root@horus:/etc/bareos# rgrep bacula *
bareosfichiers.d/ead.conf: @/etc/bacula/include-options.conf
bareosfichiers.d/annuaire.conf: @/etc/bacula/include-options.conf
