


Tâche #21911

Mis à jour par Scrum Master il y a plus de 6 ans

Correction SP-T04-003 - Comportement du cluster pendant reconfigure du noeud Sphynx esclave 2.6.2beta5

crm_mon :

Last updated: Mon Nov 6 15:33:31 2017 Last change: Mon Nov 6 15:31:33 2017 by root via cibadmin on sp
Stack: corosync
Current DC: sphynx (version 1.1.14-70404b0) - partition with quorum
2 nodes and 6 resources configured

Online: [ sphynx sphynxb ]

Resource Group: VIPCluster
VIP_externe (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started sphynx
VIP_interne (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started sphynx
ipsec_rsc (service:strongswan): FAILED[ sphynx sphynxb ]
arv_rsc (service:arv): FAILED[ sphynx sphynxb ]
Clone Set: gw_pingd_clone [gw_pingd]
gw_pingd (ocf::pacemaker:ping): FAILED sphynxb
Started: [ sphynx ]

Failed Actions:
* gw_pingd_monitor_0 on sphynxb 'unknown error' (1): call=-1, status=Timed Out, exitreason='none',
last-rc-change='Mon Nov 6 15:32:40 2017', queued=0ms, exec=0ms

diagnose :

*** Haute disponibilité
. Service Corosync => OK
. Noeud sphynx => OK
. Noeud sphynxb => OK
. Update => 6/Nov/2017 15:35:24
. Ressource ipsec_rsc => $3 (sphynx)
. Ressource gw_pingd => OK (sphynx)
. Ressource VIP_interne => OK (sphynx)
. Ressource arv_rsc => $3 (sphynx)
. Ressource VIP_externe => OK (sphynx)
. Ressource gw_pingd => $3 (sphynxb)
. Ressource ipsec_rsc => $3 (sphynxb)
. Ressource arv_rsc => $3 (sphynxb)
