Atom editor =========== Usefull shortcuts ----------------- :: Ctrl Shift P -> all atom commands Ctrl P -> find files ou Ctrl T Ctrl R -> jump to a method, name, etc... Ctrl -> completion Ctrl K split panels Ctrl Shift d -> copiy line Ctrl Maj K -> delete line Ctrl / -> comment Ctrl Tab -> switch between open files Ctrl g -> go to line Alt Shift (+ flèche) : rectangular sélection Ctrl click : multiple edition views ----- - symbol treeview - treeview - git tab Usefull packages ---------------- * highlight-selected : highlight a word in the whole file by double-clicking * language-restructuredtext : * file-icons * goto-definition * autocomplete-python * todo-show * editorconfig * find-and-replace-under-cursor : - 'f4': 'project-find:search-under-cursor' - 'f5': 'find-and-replace:search-under-cursor' * markdown-preview * symbols-tree-view : adds the buitins Ctrl-r feature with a view, enabled with Ctrl-Alt-O * bookmarks:: ctrl-shift-f2 to add/remove a bookmark on the current line alt-shift-f2 to remove all bookmarks in the current editor ctrl-f2 to view all the bookmarks f2 to move the cursor to the next bookmark shift-f2 to move the cursor to the previous bookmark * file-watcher: remote file changed on disk Automatic package install with apm ----------------------------------- use this installation script:: # atom install wget apt install -y gconf2 gconf-service libgconf-2-4 gconf-service-backend dbus-x11 gconf2-common dpkg -i deb apt -fy install rm -rf deb # atom packages install apm install highlight-selected language-restructuredtext file-icons goto-definition autocomplete-python todo-show editorconfig simple-drag-drop-text linter intentions busy-signal linter-ui-default linter-pylint atom-beautify symbols-tree-view